Demonstration of Jim Patchell's Diode Waveform Shaper PCB/Module by John Loffink

Diode Waveform Shaper mp3 (2.5 MB) right click to download

Basic patch using the DWS as a timbre modulator:

VCO1 triangle --> Diode Waveform Shaper --> Moog style filter --> VCA out --> digital reverb

Diode Waveform Shaper has four modulation inputs that modulate the breakpoints of the transform function:

Only pitch, sequence clock ADSR generators and DWS parameters were modified during this demo. VCOs are tuned to near perfect intervals relative to each other.

It starts with a high pitched triangle wave, then gain is increased on stages 1 and 4, bringing in the VCO2 modulation. The DWS limit switch is activated, which rounds the output waveform. Pitch is lowered, then VCO3 modulation is brought in, faded out (during ADSR tweaking), VCO4 modulation is brought in, faded out, then the combination is brought in. Pitch is increased and then various combinations of modulation are heard.

MOTM DWS.mp3 (2.8 MB) right click to download

A piece using four MOTM VCOs, 420/440/490 and CGS Steiner Filters, Oakley Equinoxe Phase Shifters, Encore Frequency Shifter, Blacet Time Machine and MOTM-420 as processors, plus VCAs, LFOs, envelopes, etc. Three layered tracks.